Matt provides a full range of audit services across multiple industries. He is an expert on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and provides guidance and technical interpretations related to complicated accounting matters and transactions for PYA and its clients. Matt has extensive experience performing operational and financial reviews; assisting clients in the design, implementation, and testing of compliance programs; and presenting findings and recommendations to audit committees and client management. Matt also assists clients with the design and implementation of internal control policies and procedures and performing due diligence procedures.
Matt earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from East Tennessee State University and is a graduate of the Southeastern School of Banking. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants. An author and editor of PYA thought leadership, Matt serves the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee and formerly served as chair of the finance committee of the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of Knox County advisory board.
Related Service Lines
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA)