Medicare Physician Fee Schedule & Its Potential Impact on Physician Compensation
Published April 25, 2023

On-Demand Webinar: “Timely, Tough, or Tricky — The 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule & Its Potential Impact on Physician Compensation”

To continue a dialogue on timely but occasionally tough or tricky topics in physician compensation and fair market value, PYA surveyed more than 50 physician compensation experts and other healthcare professionals to understand their collective thoughts on the topics in 2023. These issues include but are not limited to the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and its impact on physician compensation; compensating physicians who work collaboratively with advanced practice practitioners; new trends in physician compensation and productivity benchmark surveys; and better performing practices in hospital-based specialty subsidies, just to name a few. The complete list of these issues will be shared during this next webinar.

PYA Principals Lyle Oelrich and Angie Caldwell continued the 2023 “Timely, Tough, or Tricky” webinar series with “The 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule & Its Potential Impact on Physician Compensation.” Topics included:

  • Highlights of the rule
  • Anticipated impacts by specialty
  • How the rule potentially impacts your compensation models

The webinar took place on Tuesday, April 25, 2023.


During this series, attendees can share questions or feedback. Our PYA team will use subsequent sessions to address your most pressing physician compensation and fair market value issues.

More Timely, Tough, or Tricky – Physician Compensation & Fair Market Value Topics in 2023 webinars will be announced soon. View the entire Timely, Tough, or Tricky series.

If you would like assistance with physician compensation or fair market value or any matter involving valuation, compliance, or strategy and integration, one of our executive contacts would be happy to assist. You may email them below or call (800) 270-9629.

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