Greg Gheen, president, and Joe Krumdieck, senior vice president, Realty Trust Group, a PYA-affiliated company, presented “5 Key Components of a Successful Hospital Real Estate Program” during an on-demand webinar hosted by PYA in conjunction with the Florida Hospital Association.
Today, healthcare real estate investment decisions are more complex because of the competitive landscape and high cost of construction. Increased pressure on operating margins has forced hospitals and health systems to evaluate operational efficiencies and cost-saving measures across all departments—including real estate operations.
This webinar will help participants:
- Understand the key components of hospital real estate programs.
- Identify organizational measures of operational efficiency and value creation.
- Be prepared to evaluate their current real estate program against industry best practices.
Download slide deck here.
If you would like more information about hospital real estate programs, contact Realty Trust Group at (865) 521-0630. If you would like assistance with any matter involving healthcare valuation, strategy and integration, or compliance, contact one of our executives below at PYA (800) 270-9629.